Living Lord Endowment Fund Grant Application 2025

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The Living Lord Endowment Fund anticipates awarding grants up to and including $5,000 annually, as part of our mission outreach of this congregation, apart from the general operation of the congregation.

These grants will be awarded to eligible charities or causes including:

· Outreach to the local community such as social service agencies that the congregation relates to; or to special programs designed to help persons in our parish who are in spiritual or economic need.

· Outreach into the greater community, including but not limited to, social service agencies, institutions and agencies which express the convictions of this congregations, our synod, the ELCA and special programs designed for those persons who are in spiritual and or economic need.

· Outreach to the global community for missions in this continent and worldwide, including but not limited to disaster relief, victims of persecution, immigrants, new congregational development, professional leadership, educational ministries, global mission, ecumenism, evangelism, social ministries, capital financing and grants to ELCA seminaries, colleges or students attending such schools.

· Major maintenance or repair projects, capital improvements, or building programs of Living Lord Church.

· Other mission or outreach serving people in ways consistent with the congregation’s mission.

If you are interested in applying for a grant this year, please complete the Grant Application Form and return it to Living Lord Endowment Fund at: 500 Cedar Circle Dr., Lake St Louis, MO 63367.

All grants are requested by June 15, 2025. A decision will be made regarding acceptance or denial by July 31, 2025.

Grants will be awarded in September during a church service at Living Lord Lutheran Church. We would appreciate it if you or a representative of the recipient be here to receive the grant. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sherri Hickey at or contact Pastor Steve at Living Lord Lutheran Church at 636-327-7729.

God’s Blessing,

Sherri Hickey, Chairperson Living Lord Endowment Fund


Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Contact information of submitter, if different from the organization:
To be completed by LLEF Committee:
Date reviewed by the LLEF:
Decision to support or deny:
Date submitter notified of the decision:


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